Saturday, September 27, 2014

DIY Lego Movie "Piece of Resistance"

Time to make Halloween costumes! This year I am assembling costumes based on characters from The Lego Movie. I'll be showing you the process I used to craft the Piece of Resistance.

The Piece of Resistance is stuck to our hero, Emmet, and he must use it to stop Lord Business from destroying the universe...

Things I needed:
- rectangular prism (I googled what the term for a 3D rectangle is) for the Piece of Resistance
- cylinder for the signature Lego cap
- the color red
- straps for wearability

Materials I used:
- Star Wars shoe box $0
- Ice Breakers mint container $0
- red duct tape $4.99
- drawstring backpack from a Subway kids meal $0
- scissors

I cut open the corners of the shoe box lid. 

I drew the backpack strings tightly for the most slack available, and placed the strings into the corner slits.

I fit the lid on the box securing the backpack straps in place. 

I duct tapped the Ice Breakers container to the box. I continued to tape until the form was completely covered. Fortunately, duct tape is very forgiving to unpeel and reapply to adjust mistakes like crooked lines and creases.

VoilĂ ! Piece of Resistance!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Organized Money: Save on your power bill

How much have your power bills been this summer? NV Energy peak time rates, between 1:00pm and 7:00pm, charge five to ten times higher! To save on rate fees, try to use the washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, and chargers outside of the peak rate times.These are effective until October 1. Stay cool without getting burned, see how much your rates are depending on your dwelling type.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Repurpose: Watch Battery Storage Box

Using a container box with multiple drawers is an excellent system to store little items. Those small, finger-and-thumb held things are randomly around the house, and no one can ever find them when they’re being sought. I repurposed a commercially used watch battery box to create a single, comprehensible place where they could be found.
Before and After
What I used:
  • watch battery storage box
  • scissors
  • washi tape
  • label maker

Step 1) Removed existing adhesive labels to create a clear and smooth surface.

Step 2) Cut and applied a strip of washi tape to each drawer to form around the sides and underneath the handle.

Step 3) Designed, printed, and adhered labels to each drawer. Put items into drawers. 

Step 4) Alphabetized drawers for easy reference and arranged empty drawers for future use.

Finished! Now all the little things have a clear, permanent home.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I'm Organized

I organize. It’s what I do, particularly in the home environment. I’ve been like this since I was little. My earliest memories of it were drawing out bedroom floor plans to show my dad how I wanted my furniture to be rearranged.  My closet consists of my wardrobe ascending from least to most skin coverage. I’ve also been known in the workplace to clear out and reorganize everything. I can’t help it.

A major assumption is that I’m a control freak when people learn I have a knack for being organized. I’m actually quite laid back. I’m so laid back, in fact, that I can’t afford to be disorganized. The inability to find something and the stress of pondering if such item exists in my home disrupts my time of being in sitting and laying down positions.

I do it naturally and I’m good at it.  I’ve tried to let things stay chaotic. I’ve tried to have a junk drawer, to let the Tupperware containers stay without their partner lid, and for my tank tops to be mixed in between cardigans. It’s not happening. It makes me happy and comes easy to me, so I guess there is just no changing me.